Discussion Doc 
WALT: use what we already know to make meaning within a story.
Work on this Doc together with a buddy, or in a group of 3.
When do you think this story takes place? I.e. If in the future, how many years into the future?
- Old town with a swamp 1982.
Is this the first time Āreta and Trish have taken the boat out fishing. Yes/ No
How do you know?
- Yes because it say in the text.
What do you think the author means by regular people when he says “...back when regular people could still get petrol.”?
- Back in the old days they can still use petrol because Areta’s mum told her
In this story, what exactly does the Forest refer to?
- The forest is a grassy area with trees
Where is this story set do you think?
- In a swamp with other boaters
What are the clues that tell you this?
- They like fishing
Why is Grandma Trish so excited to find a Kahawai again. What has happened to them?
- Trish was excited because she caught a kahawai
Explain why you think this.
- Because Areta hasn't seen a kahawai be fore
Why do Trish and Āreta let the Kahawai go back into the water?
- So they could come back another time
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